Where will you be a year from now and what will you be doing? (If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you've gotten there? Luck? )

What is your plan to get there? (If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. )

What obstacles will you have to overcome to GITERDUN? (If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got)

A year from now I see myself training in boot camp for the Navy. My plan to get there is by staying focused and not letting anything get in my way to knock me down from reaching my goal to be everything I can be in it. I would like to succeed and reach my highest rank. I want to prove to not only my family but to myself that I’m capable of doing something not many people can do. I know I will have to continue to get good grades in school to graduate so I can be able to enlist next year. Some obstacles I may have to overcome to GITERDUN are finishing my last year of high school. I know I will not have a problem in overcoming this obstacle because when I set a goal in my life I let nothing get in my way of not letting me GITERDUN.

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