_Every snowflake will plead their innocence in an avalanche.If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem                                                 
  • Every snowflake will plead their innocence in an avalanche.

  • If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem
Last week you wrote a blog expressing your views about problems in the school. Now it's time to see if you can solve one or more of those problems.

  1. Choose any problem raised by one of your peers in last week's blog and write a plan for addressing the problem.
  2. Then in your response, support one of your peer's posts by stating how you will help make his or her plan work.
After reading through the blogs, I agreed with Ciara Vasquez about the lack of unity we have as a class. A way we can address this problem is by planning more social activities. I think the more events we all partake with one another, the more we will begin to like one another. This is our last year to become friends with people we never thought we would. The way I can help make Ciara’s plan work to unite everyone is by creating more school events that will bring more communication towards one another. The lack of communication is the main cause of this problem so by creating events where everyone can get along and feel comfortable, our cliques will be broken and our school will become more united.

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