An individual's success is rarely achieved individually. Often, success is the cumulative effect of making the right choices. Along the way, there are others who help us make those 'right choices.' Who has helped you, inspired you, motivated you, or in any other way, played a part in your decision making to achieve the successes you have to this point in your life?

Write a blog in the form of a thank you letter to a specific individual who has influenced your decision making process that has brought you to where you are today, or has inspired you to be something more.

Dear ________,

Body of letter...


Your Name

Dear Mom, I would like to start off by thanking you for all you have done for me that has got me to where I am. Without your guidance and persistence for me to do better, I think I would just be stuck with the mentality of “it’s good enough.” You have helped me make the right decisions ever since I was little. Your guidance has set me down the right path to do better for myself and also to do good for others. You have always been there to make sure I did all my work and studied for every test. I’ll never forget the late nights you stayed up to help quiz me for my test the next day. You have been more than an inspiration to me. I don’t want to ever let you down. I will always continue to try my best to make you proud. Love, Janel

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