"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius 
The protest on Wall Street has been described as a battle between the 99% and the 1%. Research the protest to find one fact, and one opinion on the subject. Be sure to include the author, title of the article, source of the article, medium of publication, and date you accessed the research. Then, explain which side you agree with and why. Use the format below to complete your blog. The response will be to disagree with one of your peer's opinions using the research you've found to support your position.

FACT: Quote something from your site that is factual.

Works Cited - Griffin, Anthony. "Wall Street Protest Begins with Stoppage." The Wall Street Journal.com Web. 25 October 2011.

OPINION: "We want to see a general assembly in every backyard, on every street corner because we don't need Wall Street and we don't need politicians to build a better society."

Works Cited: Jones, Bobby. "Protestors Upsetting Local Residents." The New York Times 24 October 2011: A3. Print.

My Opinion: Provide a thoughtful, original comment about the situation in lower Manhattan.

FACT: "In Portland, Ore., police blocked protesters from crossing a major bridge to the business district and arrested 25 on disorderly conduct charges."
Works Cited -  FIRGER, JESSICA, FOX, ALISON and SHALLWANI, PERVAIZ. "Protesters Clash With Police."
 The Wall Street Journal 22 December 2011. Web.
OPINION: "We feel the power in Washington has actually been compromised by Wall Street."
Works Cited - Hawley, Chris. "Protests against Wall Street spread across U.S." USA Today 22 December 2011. Web.
My Opinion: I'm for the people protesting against Wall Street. I think it is good that people are standing up for themselves and trying to make a change. It's better that they do something than nothing at all. It may be causing a bit of chaos on the streets but it's starting to make more and more people aware of what's really going on.

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