Did you have difficulty criticizing a peer's post on Blog 2.1 or complimenting a peer's post on Blog 2.2? Are people more comfortable criticizing or complementing in general? What does this reveal about our culture? society? individuals?

Use your experience with the last two blogs to investigate our reaction to others' thoughts and statements.

No, I didn’t have difficulty criticizing my peer’s post’s or complimenting them. I think people in general are more comfortable complementing because it’s the nice thing to do. You should always consider anothers feelings. In some ways it’s good but in others it’s bad because not all the time are you sincere about what you say because your trying not to hurt them. In the end, it may backfire and hurt them regardless. This reveals that our culture, society and the individuals in it are often fake just to try and make it easier on themselves so they don’t have to deal with the emotion of another.

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