List five quotes with parenthetical citations from your research. You must include only one (1) quote from the play, Hamlet, that is relevant to your research paper.

The purpose for this research paper is to investigate what kind of relationship Gertrude and Claudius had. “The queen his mother lives almost by his looks; and for myself-my virtue or my plague, be it either which-she's so conjunctive to my life and soul, that, as the star moves not but in his sphere, I could not but by her” (Shakespeare 4.7.13-18). “After killing King Hamlet, Claudius approaches Gertrude and she falls for his inducements and agrees to marry him. He lusts for her but she refuses him — no sex before marriage — she lives by the Christian ethic” (“Gertrude and Claudius”). “After the marriage, she and Claudius seemed to be very united and happy together” (Johnson). “You ask if Gertrude married "for love or pleasure". If only pleasure, then why bother marrying? What would she have to gain by it? She was already Queen” (Schulman). “In the movie Hamlet, Gertrude drank the poisoned cup without Claudius stopping her” (Hamlet).

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