The best way to learn something is to try and teach it.

Now that you have written an MLA style research paper, your job is to teach others how to do the same. Outline the steps taken to write a properly formatted MLA style research paper. You can write your blog as steps (Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: etc.), or you can write it in paragraph form. Be sure to use the calendar, the blogs, class lectures, and the research paper page as resources to describe how to write a research paper.

Remember this is a double-blog which will be graded on how thoroughly you have described the process of writing a research paper.

You must reply to someone's post.

Step 1: Set up your heading for your research
paper using the MLA format. Your paper should have a formal style with a
heading, Works Cited page, parenthetical citations, etc.

Step 2: Develop a clear thesis statement. Once
you’ve came up with one you should start using the Internet to research
articles, journals, and essays relevant to your topic. At least 4 or more
sources for your works cited will help create a great paper unless it is
otherwise specified. Websites like Google Scholar are perfect to use for
research papers because it helps give clear incite on various topics from many
different scholars.

Step 3: Once your sources are picked, cite them
all properly using Purdue's Online Writing Lab as a guideline and add them into
your Works Cited page. Each citation should be placed in alphabetical order. If
you follow the Works Cited process, you should be able to identify the type of
resource it is, locate example of citation of resource on OWL, and complete the
Work Cited entry on the research paper. When you’re working on your Works Cited
page you should never guess how to format it. You should always search to find
the answer and if you can’t find it, have a reason why you formatted the
citation the way you did. As stated by Mr. Griffin himself,
guess. Don't ask. Find

Step 4: After you’ve found all of your sources,
read through and pick out a relevant quote from each one that addressed your
thesis. You should use only one quote in each paragraph. When you do include
each quote in your paragraphs, make sure to include a parenthetical citation for
each. Purdue's Online Writing Lab is a reliable source to help show the formats
for any type of MLA style paper.

Step 5: Next, write your detailed paragraphs
based on your cited quotes. Start off each of your paragraphs with “The main
idea of this paragraph is…” Then your next sentence should include your quote by
starting off with the person who said the quote “stated,…” After that, your next
line should be “This supports the thesis because…” and then the next sentence
should start off with a 
transitional phrase. Review each paragraph and correct any errors. After
each paragraph is developed you should go back and erase “The main idea of this
paragraph is” and “this supports the thesis because.” This should leave you with
sentences that may need more developing to make sense.

Step 6: Start writing your introduction after
that. Your first sentence should start with“the purpose of this research paper
is .” It should include your thesis statement, topic sentences for each
paragraph, and a transition into your first detailed paragraph.  After
that, copy the first sentence of each paragraph and paste it into the first
paragraph and then add a transitional sentence to the end. Develop the sentence
to create a detailed paragraph.

Step 7: After your introduction
is written, start writing your conclusion. Your conclusion should be everything
you said in your intro except rephrased. It should include a transition and your
insight from each of your paragraphs. Then go back to the beginning of your
paper and go through each paragraph making it as detailed as possible. Make sure
your paragraphs are starting from least to most important. You should also have
someone review your paper after you are all finished.

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