Respond to each of the 10 questions honestly and with reference to specific details from the third quarter only to support your responses.

1. What was the most useful lesson you learned during the third quarter and why?

2. How will you use this lesson after high school?

3. What was the least enjoyable part of the research paper writing process and why?

4. What was the most enjoyable part of the research writing process and why?

5. Using a specific example, demonstrate how your writing improved as a result of completing the research paper this quarter. In other words, explain how you have learned to make your writing more clear and concise.

6. What will you do better or differently the next time you have to write a research paper?

7. Choose a quote Mr. Griffin used throughout this research writing process and explain how it was used.

8. What could be changed about the research paper unit in Mr. Griffin's English class that would make the experience better for students?

9. Overall, rate your effort and the quality of your research paper during the third quarter.

10. What are your goals and expectations for English 12 in the fourth quarter?

1. What was the most useful lesson you learned during the third quarter and why? The most useful lesson I learned during the third quarter was by Mr.Griffin stating, "Don't guess. Don't ask. Find out!" This helped me out a lot when I was writing my research paper. I learned that guessing was the wrong way but rather doing a bit of research would help lead you to your answer. When I wrote my works cited page, this method was very useful.
2. How will you use this lesson after high school? I will use this lesson after high school to work on any project that is given to me. I will make sure I’m doing my research and not guessing on anything. Before, I was used to just guessing right away when I couldn’t find the answer but now I learned to really do my research because the answer is always there. Even if you don’t see it then make sure you have a reason on why you did what you did. This will definitely help me out a lot with my assignments when I leave.
3. What was the least enjoyable part of the research paper writing process and why? The least enjoyable part of the research paper writing process was writing the works cited page. You had to always check back and forth with examples and make sure you had a reason for doing what you did. Little errors such as capitalization, not italicizing or leaving out a period could make the whole citation wrong. It was such a critical part of the research paper. One error could take 5 points off so I knew I had make sure everything was perfect on mine.
4. What was the most enjoyable part of the research writing process and why? The most enjoyable part of the research paper writing process was when I was writing my conclusion. The reason why is because I knew that after this I was completely finished. All of my research and piecing together was over. I was now summarizing everything I learned about my topic and getting ready to send it in.
5. Using a specific example, demonstrate how your writing improved as a result of completing the research paper this quarter. In other words, explain how you have learned to make your writing more clear and concise. My writing has improved a lot because of this assignment. I’ve learned new ways to make my writing more clear and descriptive. Before I would write with “you” and “I” in it. Also, I would write sentences that would be assumptions and not facts. Now, I’ve become more conscience of my errors and have improved on my writing a lot. Writing this research paper has helped me develop my sentences into descriptive statements. I also learned how to evaluate and explain the meaning of quotes better than before.
6. What will you do better or differently the next time you have to write a research paper? The next time I write a research paper I will follow the same steps I was taught how to do it. I liked the way everything was broken down in the beginning and then pieced together in the end. The only thing I think I will try and do better is to make sure all of my paragraphs are fully developed and clear with no opinions.
7. Choose a quote Mr. Griffin used throughout this research writing process and explain how it was used. Mr. Griffin once stated, "Don't guess. Don't ask. Find out!" when we were dealing with our works cited page. The works cited page is one of the trickiest parts of this assignment. It is very detailed and if you leave out one thing it would make the whole citation wrong. We used this method when dealing with the Purdue OWL website. All of the examples on how to write a works cited page are listed there. All we had to do was research through the examples and find out how to cite our links. This quote helped me to change my ways of guessing when I couldn’t find the answer.
8. What could be changed about the research paper unit in Mr. Griffin's English class that would make the experience better for students? I don’t think anything should be changed to the research paper unit. My experience with the project was fairly good; I had no complaints. The steps for this assignment made it really easy for me for my first time. I’m definitely going to use this method when writing my next paper.
9. Overall, rate your effort and the quality of your research paper during the third quarter. My effort for this project was a 9. Each section I did during this assignment, I made sure I did it the right way and as clear as possible. When given advice such as being more descriptive, rewording or taking out certain parts, I made sure I applied it and improved my paper before I sent it the next time. Each time I sent my research paper in, I made sure the quality of it improved. My grade for my final draft reflects that my paper was of good quality and I put a lot of effort into it. I didn’t just throw words together and not have any of my quotes connect to my thesis.
10. What are your goals and expectations for English 12 in the fourth quarter? My goal for English 12 in the fourth quarter is to reach an A+. Also, to not slack off as much and make sure all of my work is handed in on time. That is definitely one thing I’ve been struggling with lately. Some of my expectations for next quarter is to have a lot of fun since it’s our last quarter in high school. I’m looking forward to some fun and interactive assignments. We already got the research paper out of the way so I can imagine next quarter will be way better.

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