On the first day of school, you read letters from students from the class of 2011. The purpose of the letters was to provide you with students' perspectives on what to expect in class and how to successfully meet those expectations. Now it is your turn to write a letter advising the incoming seniors how to be successful based on your experiences this year.

Your final reflection is to be written as a letter addressed to the students from the class of 2011. The final reflection is worth 30% of your final exam grade. Therefore, it is expected to be well-written. For each error, 1 points will be deducted from your grade. Also, the minimum word length is 500 words. One point will be deducted for each word less than 500.                                                                                                       Be sure to
  • follow proper friendly letter format and style (Dear ____,  paragraphing, & Sincerely,) 10%
  • introduce yourself 10%
  • describe your experiences in class 20%
  • explain two life lessons learned (responsibility, organization, communication, problem solving, time-management, etc.) 20%
  • explain in detail how these life lessons were addressed in class (Blogs, projects, discussions, essays, and lectures) 20%
  • advise the students how to be successful in class 2013

Dear 2013 Seniors, My name is Janel Santana and I was a student in this class last year. You guys finally made it to your senior year of high school. Congratulations!!! This class is like no other. I’ve had a great time in this class, from working on the computers to listening to Mr. Griffins corny jokes; it all made it worthwhile. You will learn many new life lessons and skills that will help make you see things from another perspective. He will teach you how to better your time management skills and be more organized with the way you do class work. This class is no joke compared to other subjects. If you don’t take your work seriously, it will only hurt you in the end. Mr. Griffin will give you plenty of time to work on your assignments. It’s just all up to you with what you do with it. Procrastination was a big thing with me and has been a hard thing to break. Make sure your always on top of your game and you should have no worries. You’ll learn the phrase GITERDUN soon enough. Also you will be taught many life lessons throughout the course of the year. Two life lessons that I have learned from class are organization and time management. These two have helped me out a lot with my grade and getting my assignments done. The computers are a great way to organize your work. I learned to make sure all of my assignments were labeled and put in the right folder so when I went back to look for it, I would know exactly where it was. Also, timing is key to getting great grades and having less stress. If you lose track of time then you’ll most likely forget about your work or you’ll end up cramming in the end. This isn’t a good thing at all because once you start waiting until the last minute, you’ll end up doing it every time. It’s added stress that can be prevented. Just make sure all your projects and blogs are done and handed in on time because they can really bring down your grade. Many of the lessons we learn in class are reflected through our assignments. For example, our Weebly’s that we had to make would have been a disaster for me if I didn’t learn how to be more organized. Everything had to be under a certain part with several different downloadable files. You had to make sure all of your work was done, labeled, and converted. Blogs were another key part to helping us get better with our time management. Every Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. your blogs will be due so make sure you get it done way in advance or you’ll end up forgetting about it like I did a few times. You get the whole week to do it so you have plenty of time. Hope this letter will help you towards the start of your senior year. Good luck and don’t forget to GITERDUN! Sincerely, Janel Santana

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