On the first day of school, you read letters from students from the class of 2011. The purpose of the letters was to provide you with students' perspectives on what to expect in class and how to successfully meet those expectations. Now it is your turn to write a letter advising the incoming seniors how to be successful based on your experiences this year.

Your final reflection is to be written as a letter addressed to the students from the class of 2011. The final reflection is worth 30% of your final exam grade. Therefore, it is expected to be well-written. For each error, 1 points will be deducted from your grade. Also, the minimum word length is 500 words. One point will be deducted for each word less than 500.                                                                                                       Be sure to
  • follow proper friendly letter format and style (Dear ____,  paragraphing, & Sincerely,) 10%
  • introduce yourself 10%
  • describe your experiences in class 20%
  • explain two life lessons learned (responsibility, organization, communication, problem solving, time-management, etc.) 20%
  • explain in detail how these life lessons were addressed in class (Blogs, projects, discussions, essays, and lectures) 20%
  • advise the students how to be successful in class 2013

Dear 2013 Seniors, My name is Janel Santana and I was a student in this class last year. You guys finally made it to your senior year of high school. Congratulations!!! This class is like no other. I’ve had a great time in this class, from working on the computers to listening to Mr. Griffins corny jokes; it all made it worthwhile. You will learn many new life lessons and skills that will help make you see things from another perspective. He will teach you how to better your time management skills and be more organized with the way you do class work. This class is no joke compared to other subjects. If you don’t take your work seriously, it will only hurt you in the end. Mr. Griffin will give you plenty of time to work on your assignments. It’s just all up to you with what you do with it. Procrastination was a big thing with me and has been a hard thing to break. Make sure your always on top of your game and you should have no worries. You’ll learn the phrase GITERDUN soon enough. Also you will be taught many life lessons throughout the course of the year. Two life lessons that I have learned from class are organization and time management. These two have helped me out a lot with my grade and getting my assignments done. The computers are a great way to organize your work. I learned to make sure all of my assignments were labeled and put in the right folder so when I went back to look for it, I would know exactly where it was. Also, timing is key to getting great grades and having less stress. If you lose track of time then you’ll most likely forget about your work or you’ll end up cramming in the end. This isn’t a good thing at all because once you start waiting until the last minute, you’ll end up doing it every time. It’s added stress that can be prevented. Just make sure all your projects and blogs are done and handed in on time because they can really bring down your grade. Many of the lessons we learn in class are reflected through our assignments. For example, our Weebly’s that we had to make would have been a disaster for me if I didn’t learn how to be more organized. Everything had to be under a certain part with several different downloadable files. You had to make sure all of your work was done, labeled, and converted. Blogs were another key part to helping us get better with our time management. Every Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. your blogs will be due so make sure you get it done way in advance or you’ll end up forgetting about it like I did a few times. You get the whole week to do it so you have plenty of time. Hope this letter will help you towards the start of your senior year. Good luck and don’t forget to GITERDUN! Sincerely, Janel Santana

Is going to the prom worth the amount of money it costs to go? Why or why not?

Prom is definitely not worth going to. The expenses you have to pay are ridiculous for one night. If I had to choose I would just go to afterprom and save all that money. What the girls have to pay is totally different from the guys. The guys have it so easy while the girls have to buy every little thing to make their outfits complete. 

Is being a "Richest Man" a choice? Why or why not? Use quotes from The Richest Man in Babylon to support your position.

Yes, I believe being a "Richest Man" is a choice because like it was stated in the Richest Man in Babylon, “Proper preparation is the key to our success. Our acts can be no wiser than our thoughts. Our thinking can be no wiser than our understanding.” If you don't prepare for what's ahead, you will go nowhere and remain the same poor man as before. To be the "Richest Man" you have to know how to spend your money and save it. It all depends on your actions and how much effort you put into your future. With enough hard work and determination almost anybody can become the richest man.

Find an Internet article that gives advice to the reader about money, finance, saving, wealth, investments, or anything else tied to The Richest Man in Babylon. Then, summarize the article and past the link for others to read. You cannot use the same article as someone else. The person who references an article first will receive credit.

My article is about how to save $5000 in 2012. It explains how you should eliminate unnecessary phone lines and cut out channels in your cable plan that you dont use. Also, controlling your spending on food by bringing your own lunch sometimes with you to school or work. Insurance companies are another thing too you should look at to see if you can save money with another company. This article shows that once you start saving up, you just need to figure out how to put it away.
What quote from The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason has made the biggest impact on your life so far? Why? What have you done with the wisdom from the text?

The quote that has made the biggest impact on my life so far is "Proper preparation is the key to our success.” The reason why is because if you don't plan ahead for your future and take on the necessary steps to be successful, you will not reach your goal. You should always prepare yourself for whats ahead. So many people spend their money on their wants instead of needs. That won't get  you anywhere closer to your success. Over the past year, I've learned to save my  money and control what I buy. After reading this text, it has given me even more  motivation to continue and prepare for my future.
The following are the 7 rules for economic success. Which one will be the hardest for you to follow? Why? Which will be the easiest? Why?

1. Start thy purse to fattening

2. Control thy expenditures

3. Make thy gold multiply

4. Guard thy treasures from loss

5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment

6. Insure a future income

7. Increase thy ability to earn

The easiest rule for me to follow is start thy purse to fattening. I have already started putting money to the side that i don't touch. The hardest one for me to follow is make thy multiply. I have the slightest clue where to put my money to make it grow. I wish i knew more about stocks so i can invest and keep doubling my money. 

Research Prezi resumes using Google. List 5 things that you want to use on your Prezi resume. For example: Places you've been, accomplishments, quotes, pictures, cartoons, etc.

Five things I would like to use in my Prezi resume are my work, education, 
family, pets, and achievements.
Respond to each of the 10 questions honestly and with reference to specific details from the third quarter only to support your responses.

1. What was the most useful lesson you learned during the third quarter and why?

2. How will you use this lesson after high school?

3. What was the least enjoyable part of the research paper writing process and why?

4. What was the most enjoyable part of the research writing process and why?

5. Using a specific example, demonstrate how your writing improved as a result of completing the research paper this quarter. In other words, explain how you have learned to make your writing more clear and concise.

6. What will you do better or differently the next time you have to write a research paper?

7. Choose a quote Mr. Griffin used throughout this research writing process and explain how it was used.

8. What could be changed about the research paper unit in Mr. Griffin's English class that would make the experience better for students?

9. Overall, rate your effort and the quality of your research paper during the third quarter.

10. What are your goals and expectations for English 12 in the fourth quarter?

1. What was the most useful lesson you learned during the third quarter and why? The most useful lesson I learned during the third quarter was by Mr.Griffin stating, "Don't guess. Don't ask. Find out!" This helped me out a lot when I was writing my research paper. I learned that guessing was the wrong way but rather doing a bit of research would help lead you to your answer. When I wrote my works cited page, this method was very useful.
2. How will you use this lesson after high school? I will use this lesson after high school to work on any project that is given to me. I will make sure I’m doing my research and not guessing on anything. Before, I was used to just guessing right away when I couldn’t find the answer but now I learned to really do my research because the answer is always there. Even if you don’t see it then make sure you have a reason on why you did what you did. This will definitely help me out a lot with my assignments when I leave.
3. What was the least enjoyable part of the research paper writing process and why? The least enjoyable part of the research paper writing process was writing the works cited page. You had to always check back and forth with examples and make sure you had a reason for doing what you did. Little errors such as capitalization, not italicizing or leaving out a period could make the whole citation wrong. It was such a critical part of the research paper. One error could take 5 points off so I knew I had make sure everything was perfect on mine.
4. What was the most enjoyable part of the research writing process and why? The most enjoyable part of the research paper writing process was when I was writing my conclusion. The reason why is because I knew that after this I was completely finished. All of my research and piecing together was over. I was now summarizing everything I learned about my topic and getting ready to send it in.
5. Using a specific example, demonstrate how your writing improved as a result of completing the research paper this quarter. In other words, explain how you have learned to make your writing more clear and concise. My writing has improved a lot because of this assignment. I’ve learned new ways to make my writing more clear and descriptive. Before I would write with “you” and “I” in it. Also, I would write sentences that would be assumptions and not facts. Now, I’ve become more conscience of my errors and have improved on my writing a lot. Writing this research paper has helped me develop my sentences into descriptive statements. I also learned how to evaluate and explain the meaning of quotes better than before.
6. What will you do better or differently the next time you have to write a research paper? The next time I write a research paper I will follow the same steps I was taught how to do it. I liked the way everything was broken down in the beginning and then pieced together in the end. The only thing I think I will try and do better is to make sure all of my paragraphs are fully developed and clear with no opinions.
7. Choose a quote Mr. Griffin used throughout this research writing process and explain how it was used. Mr. Griffin once stated, "Don't guess. Don't ask. Find out!" when we were dealing with our works cited page. The works cited page is one of the trickiest parts of this assignment. It is very detailed and if you leave out one thing it would make the whole citation wrong. We used this method when dealing with the Purdue OWL website. All of the examples on how to write a works cited page are listed there. All we had to do was research through the examples and find out how to cite our links. This quote helped me to change my ways of guessing when I couldn’t find the answer.
8. What could be changed about the research paper unit in Mr. Griffin's English class that would make the experience better for students? I don’t think anything should be changed to the research paper unit. My experience with the project was fairly good; I had no complaints. The steps for this assignment made it really easy for me for my first time. I’m definitely going to use this method when writing my next paper.
9. Overall, rate your effort and the quality of your research paper during the third quarter. My effort for this project was a 9. Each section I did during this assignment, I made sure I did it the right way and as clear as possible. When given advice such as being more descriptive, rewording or taking out certain parts, I made sure I applied it and improved my paper before I sent it the next time. Each time I sent my research paper in, I made sure the quality of it improved. My grade for my final draft reflects that my paper was of good quality and I put a lot of effort into it. I didn’t just throw words together and not have any of my quotes connect to my thesis.
10. What are your goals and expectations for English 12 in the fourth quarter? My goal for English 12 in the fourth quarter is to reach an A+. Also, to not slack off as much and make sure all of my work is handed in on time. That is definitely one thing I’ve been struggling with lately. Some of my expectations for next quarter is to have a lot of fun since it’s our last quarter in high school. I’m looking forward to some fun and interactive assignments. We already got the research paper out of the way so I can imagine next quarter will be way better.

The best way to learn something is to try and teach it.

Now that you have written an MLA style research paper, your job is to teach others how to do the same. Outline the steps taken to write a properly formatted MLA style research paper. You can write your blog as steps (Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: etc.), or you can write it in paragraph form. Be sure to use the calendar, the blogs, class lectures, and the research paper page as resources to describe how to write a research paper.

Remember this is a double-blog which will be graded on how thoroughly you have described the process of writing a research paper.

You must reply to someone's post.

Step 1: Set up your heading for your research
paper using the MLA format. Your paper should have a formal style with a
heading, Works Cited page, parenthetical citations, etc.

Step 2: Develop a clear thesis statement. Once
you’ve came up with one you should start using the Internet to research
articles, journals, and essays relevant to your topic. At least 4 or more
sources for your works cited will help create a great paper unless it is
otherwise specified. Websites like Google Scholar are perfect to use for
research papers because it helps give clear incite on various topics from many
different scholars.

Step 3: Once your sources are picked, cite them
all properly using Purdue's Online Writing Lab as a guideline and add them into
your Works Cited page. Each citation should be placed in alphabetical order. If
you follow the Works Cited process, you should be able to identify the type of
resource it is, locate example of citation of resource on OWL, and complete the
Work Cited entry on the research paper. When you’re working on your Works Cited
page you should never guess how to format it. You should always search to find
the answer and if you can’t find it, have a reason why you formatted the
citation the way you did. As stated by Mr. Griffin himself,
guess. Don't ask. Find

Step 4: After you’ve found all of your sources,
read through and pick out a relevant quote from each one that addressed your
thesis. You should use only one quote in each paragraph. When you do include
each quote in your paragraphs, make sure to include a parenthetical citation for
each. Purdue's Online Writing Lab is a reliable source to help show the formats
for any type of MLA style paper.

Step 5: Next, write your detailed paragraphs
based on your cited quotes. Start off each of your paragraphs with “The main
idea of this paragraph is…” Then your next sentence should include your quote by
starting off with the person who said the quote “stated,…” After that, your next
line should be “This supports the thesis because…” and then the next sentence
should start off with a 
transitional phrase. Review each paragraph and correct any errors. After
each paragraph is developed you should go back and erase “The main idea of this
paragraph is” and “this supports the thesis because.” This should leave you with
sentences that may need more developing to make sense.

Step 6: Start writing your introduction after
that. Your first sentence should start with“the purpose of this research paper
is .” It should include your thesis statement, topic sentences for each
paragraph, and a transition into your first detailed paragraph.  After
that, copy the first sentence of each paragraph and paste it into the first
paragraph and then add a transitional sentence to the end. Develop the sentence
to create a detailed paragraph.

Step 7: After your introduction
is written, start writing your conclusion. Your conclusion should be everything
you said in your intro except rephrased. It should include a transition and your
insight from each of your paragraphs. Then go back to the beginning of your
paper and go through each paragraph making it as detailed as possible. Make sure
your paragraphs are starting from least to most important. You should also have
someone review your paper after you are all finished.

Copy and paste your research paper intro paragraph as this week's blog (1pt). Critique peer's intro with both positive and negative comments(4pts).

The purpose for this research paper is to investigate what kind of relationship Gertrude and Claudius had. Claudius proves throughout the play how important the Queen is to him. The way Gertrude and Claudius became each other’s spouse was never revealed in the play. Even though, Gertrude and Claudius were happily married. However, their marriage may have occurred because they were in love. Claudius’s actions in Hamlet when Gertrude went to drink the poison, question if his love for her was stronger than his love for power. Not to mention, he was the previous King’s brother, which could lead you to believe he did indeed have an alternative motive.