Which poem have you chosen to memorize? Why did you choose the poem? How do you feel about public speaking? Are you good at memorization? What do you plan to do to make your presentation unique?

I have chosen to memorize “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Sonnet 18)” by William Shakespeare. I chose this poem automatically because it was by one of the greatest poets and it was one of the shortest poems. I try to avoid public speaking at all costs. It is definitely something I hate to do. I think I am pretty good at memorizing though especially when it comes to songs. I may plan to bring in a skull and recite my poem to it, to create a more Shakespearean vibe.
Many of our favorite movies follow the heroic cycle. For this blog, choose a movie that follows the heroic cycle and identify the following:
  1. The original "home" (young, innocent, immature)
  2. The separation (the call to adventure)
  3. The initiation (the road of trials)
  4. The return
Follow this link for a great summary of the Heroic Cyle


DO NOT repeat a movie. Read through the blogs and make sure the movie you chose has not been used. If you repeat a movie, you will not get credit.

The Heroic Cycle of "Coming to America": The Original “Home”: Akeem Joffer is a prince living in Zamunda and is next in throne. The Seperation: Akeem leaves his country, Zamunda, to the U.S. in pursuit of a women to marry who loves him for himself. He didn’t want an arranged marriage so he went off and broke tradition to find the love of his life. The Initiation: Akeem find’s his dream girl who’s father owns a McDonald’s. He tries adjusting to life in America and avoiding his royal duties back at home just to win her over without blowing his cover that he is a prince.He then takes a job there, passing himself off as an exchange college student. The Return: Akeem returns back to his country and marries his new princess and they ride off happily ever after.
Did you have difficulty criticizing a peer's post on Blog 2.1 or complimenting a peer's post on Blog 2.2? Are people more comfortable criticizing or complementing in general? What does this reveal about our culture? society? individuals?

Use your experience with the last two blogs to investigate our reaction to others' thoughts and statements.

No, I didn’t have difficulty criticizing my peer’s post’s or complimenting them. I think people in general are more comfortable complementing because it’s the nice thing to do. You should always consider anothers feelings. In some ways it’s good but in others it’s bad because not all the time are you sincere about what you say because your trying not to hurt them. In the end, it may backfire and hurt them regardless. This reveals that our culture, society and the individuals in it are often fake just to try and make it easier on themselves so they don’t have to deal with the emotion of another.
Knowing a good clean joke is important. Write one clean joke and compliment someone who wrote a funny joke.
Mr. Griffin's Joke: What did the snail say riding on the back of the turtle? Wheee!

Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella?
List your top ten movies of all time. Reply to someone whose list is wrong.

1. Stepbrothers 2.Hangover 3.Love and Basketball 4.National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation 5.Titantic 6.My Sisters Keeper 7.The Notebook 8.Bridesmaid 9.Going the Distance 10.Heart and Souls

1. Explain the meaning of each of the following quotes and explain how each SPECIFICALLY applies to an assignments from the first quarter.
  • “It’s not a problem until it’s a problem; then, it’s a problem.”
  • KISMET: “Keep It Simple Manageable and Efficient Throughout."
  • “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
2. Does your numeric grade on gradebookwizard reflect your performance in this class? Why or why not?

3. Which assignment/ lesson from the class taught you the most and why?

4. Are you selfish or an altruist? Defend your answer with a "quote" from Ayn Rand's introduction.

5. Rewrite the following Works Cited entry in proper MLA format.
  • Bob Frapples, Fox.com, Struggle for the OWS Protestors reaches Boiling Point, November 4, 2011, WEB.
·         “It’s not a problem until it’s a problem; then, it’s a problem.” The meaning of this quote means that when anything you come across won’t become a problem until you make it one. This quote applies to “Listen Between the Lines” because when we were given this assignment, we were given specific instructions on what to do that weren’t hard but if you made finding a conversation for the project a problem then it became one.

1. “It’s not a problem until it’s a problem; then, it’s a problem.”
The meaning of this quote means that when anything you come across won’t become a problem until you make it one. This quote applies to “Listen Between the Lines” because when we were given this assignment, we were given specific instructions on what to do that weren’t hard but if you made finding a conversation for the project a problem then it became one.

KISMET: “Keep It Simple Manageable and Efficient Throughout."
The meaning of this quote is too not over think things. You should just keep it simple, manageable, and efficient to create an amazing finished product. This quote applies to the “Headline Project” because we were given simple instructions to create a magazine cover of ourselves achieving a specific greatness. We were just supposed to keep the cover simple and to the point.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
The meaning of this quote is that when you are not prepared for anything and don’t plan ahead your just setting yourself up for failure. This quote applies to the “Unobtainium” project because without planning ahead for this project and getting the necessary materials, you might as well have just quit the project. In this project, you had to make sure you payed attention and got your project prepared by each deadline or else you would have fell behind. You would just end up planning to fail.

The meaning of this quote is to disregard all excuses you make and get what you have to do finished or else you will be left with more work than you can handle. People tend to slack off and wait for things at the last minute when really they should be getting their stuff done. This quote applies to the resume project because if you were lazy and didn’t gather all your information when the assignment was given, you would have been rushing in the end to get it done. This happened to me when I was given this project and I ended up rushing to finish before the deadline when I should of got it done in the beginning.

2. Does your numeric grade on gradebookwizard reflect your performance in this class? Why or why not? Yes, my numeric grade on gradebookwizrd reflects my performance in class because it bases it on my blogs, class work, and projects that I do. If I had all F’s on the grade report than that would show that my performance is horrible and I should be putting more effort into the class. Thankfully, I’ve been performing very well with an exception to the couple blogs I’ve missed. I think the gradebookwizard is a great tool to use for us students so we know the areas that we need to step up and improve on.

3. Which assignment/ lesson from the class taught you the most and why?
The assignment that taught
me the most was the “Unobtainium: Obtaining 'Em” project. It helped teach me about business ownership and all the expenses that come with it. I didn’t realize how your money could go and bring you to debt so fast. The project for our group put us into debt and we ended up getting last place. It has taught me to always know your information ahead of time and be smart about your money because “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

4. Are you selfish or an altruist? Defend your answer with a "quote" from Ayn Rand's introduction. Depending on the situation, I can be both at times. I can’t define myself as one specific title of being a selfish or altruistic person. I agree with Ayn Rand when she spoke about selfishness and that “This concept does not include a moral evaluation; it does not tell us whether concern with one’s own interests is good or evil; nor does it tell us what constitutes man’s actual interests.” You can’t just out right say that anyone who is selfish is evil. No one person can tell the intentions of another. It’s always good to do the selfless thing but there are also many times where you have to be selfish to achieve your goals and better yourself. When it comes down to my future and how certain obstacles are going to affect me, I will be concerned with my own interests. But also at times when someone is at need, I will be there for them in heart beat. That is why I consider myself to be altruistic and selfish. I think that when you create a perfect balance of both, you will become nothing less than what you truly desire.

5. Rewrite the following Works Cited entry in proper MLA format.
Frapples, Bob. “Struggle for the OWS Protestors reaches Boiling Point.” Fox.com. WEB. 4 November 2011.
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.
Abraham Lincoln
Find a fact and opinion from one article that supports a position that is opposite of your own.
FACT: Quote something from your site that is factual.
OPINION: "We want to see a general assembly in every backyard, on every street corner because we don't need Wall Street and we don't need politicians to build a better society."
Works Cited: Jones, Bobby. "Protestors Upsetting Local Residents." The New York Times 24 October 2011: A3. Print.
My Opinion: Provide a thoughtful, original comment about the situation in lower Manhattan.

Fact: “Since the protests began in September, the city’s 311 system has logged 345 complaints against demonstrators — 65 of which were noise complaint.”
Opinion: “This isn’t an occupation of Wall Street; it’s an occupation of a growing, vibrant residential neighborhood in lower Manhattan.” Bloomberg said.
Works Cited: Lemire, Jonathan. “Bloomberg strikes tougher tone on Occupy Wall Street.” nydailynews.com. New York Daily News, 2 November 2011. WEB. 4 November 2011.
My Opinion: In my opinion, I think what they are doing takes a lot out courage and energy but unfortunately it does affect others in the surrounding area. These protesters are hurting small businesses and families which is not fair. They are doing it for a great cause but maybe they should try and bring their message in a different way or reduce their time protesting to let their voice be heard.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." Marcus Aurelius 
The protest on Wall Street has been described as a battle between the 99% and the 1%. Research the protest to find one fact, and one opinion on the subject. Be sure to include the author, title of the article, source of the article, medium of publication, and date you accessed the research. Then, explain which side you agree with and why. Use the format below to complete your blog. The response will be to disagree with one of your peer's opinions using the research you've found to support your position.

FACT: Quote something from your site that is factual.

Works Cited - Griffin, Anthony. "Wall Street Protest Begins with Stoppage." The Wall Street Journal.com Web. 25 October 2011.

OPINION: "We want to see a general assembly in every backyard, on every street corner because we don't need Wall Street and we don't need politicians to build a better society."

Works Cited: Jones, Bobby. "Protestors Upsetting Local Residents." The New York Times 24 October 2011: A3. Print.

My Opinion: Provide a thoughtful, original comment about the situation in lower Manhattan.

FACT: "In Portland, Ore., police blocked protesters from crossing a major bridge to the business district and arrested 25 on disorderly conduct charges."
Works Cited -  FIRGER, JESSICA, FOX, ALISON and SHALLWANI, PERVAIZ. "Protesters Clash With Police."
 The Wall Street Journal 22 December 2011. Web.
OPINION: "We feel the power in Washington has actually been compromised by Wall Street."
Works Cited - Hawley, Chris. "Protests against Wall Street spread across U.S." USA Today 22 December 2011. Web.
My Opinion: I'm for the people protesting against Wall Street. I think it is good that people are standing up for themselves and trying to make a change. It's better that they do something than nothing at all. It may be causing a bit of chaos on the streets but it's starting to make more and more people aware of what's really going on.
"Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power." Rene Descartes
Find a philosophical quote and explain how it defines, motivates, inspires, explains something about you. Then, reply to a peer's post.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
This quote defines, motivates,insprires, and explains me. I love to be independent  and try new things. I don't like to always do what's expected of me, but instead I try to go up and beyond that. This quote inspires me to do better for myself and help leave a path for others to follow. Instead of going in the same direction as others, I like to create new ways to accomplish whatever i'm faced with. When i think of this quote, i think of what's ahead of me in my future and how i can't wait to head off into a new direction others are too afraid to embark on.
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity" - Albert Einstein

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. In many ways it does. However, in other ways, technology has made life more complicated. Imagine a year of your life without technology of any kind. How would your life be different? What would you do with your time that you spent using technology? Would you be happier? Would you be bored?

A year of my life without technology would be like a year without air. My life would be completely different. Everyday, the majority of my time is spent using technology. I use it when I go to school, home, and work. Since I wouldn’t be using technology anymore, I would have to resort to doing other activities such as playing sports, joining more clubs, and taking more action in my community. I would be more bored than anything since technology pretty much consumes most of my life.